Mill Brook Watershed Management Committee Greg Whitmore Report

 While we await a final report from our consultant on other aspects of our study, the Mill Brook Watershed Management Committee would like to share this report with you, based on a subset of our work over the last several years. In 2022, we hired entomologist Greg Whitmore, an expert on stream macro invertebrates (stream insects), to oversee a comprehensive survey of four mile long Mill Brook. The presence or absence of these creatures serve as an indicator of overall stream and watershed health. Greg lived on the island for 8 years and worked for the Trustees of Reservations. During his tenure here, he conducted the first macroinvertebrate survey of island streams and published a paper in 2008 based on his work. Following training in the field by Greg, samples were collected by committee members for one full year. These were delivered to Greg, now living in New Hampshire, for identification and his final report containing findings and conclusions.